Eternal Love
A Poetic Pathway to God's Heart and Mind.
Eternal Love invites you to fall into a world filled with peace, love, wisdom, and warmth. The welcoming voice of the poems and accompanying text will help you feel comfortable with complex poetic metaphors and enigmatic messages, as well as visions and conversations as presented by the author. Establishing a connection with your source of strength, love, and peace can be difficult during chaotic times. The purpose of this anthology is to guide you to your eternal wellspring of love and into a brighter and more joyful place of existence. Jump into this magical, new poetic adventure!

The Prairies Book Review - 5 Stars Elegant and rich with vivid descriptions and images, Atoche's debut deftly explores faith and spirituality. In her introduction, Atoche shares that "finding peace and clarity is possible with God's guidance and help" and her hope for the book is that it will help guide readers "through difficult times to a place of loving refuge and into a brighter future." Focusing on the excruciating suffering Jesus endured during crucifixion in order to leave an enduring legacy, "A Father's Love" delves into the sacrificial nature of God's love. "Forgiving Is Hard, Not Impossible" explores how to stop the endless cycle of violence, prayers are the way to go: "Believe it or not/ forgiveness is the tool you need/ to sever the link/ that enemies create to harden your heart." Atoche's writing is sensitive and deep: "I traced the bits of wisdom I'd find in people/ the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle/ put them together . . . always incomplete/ I longed to find that which might not exist/ After a long search, I found/ that love is not a dream," as she declares that the only true source of love is God. Covering various themes that range from hope and faith to darkness and light to sacrifice, forgiveness, suffering, and compassion, Atoche explains that God's guidance can help one find peace and clarity in times of despair. The included explanatory prose beautifully guides readers through the reading of each poem. This compelling blend of elegant, poetic language and spiritual insight will awaken love and compassion and take readers into a brighter and more joyful place of existence. A winner.
Michael Kenyon, Author of the Award-Winning Novel The Beautiful Children "Whatever we make of spiritual seeking, whether we believe in God or Buddhist impermanence or the Vedantic fullness, we must agree that we suffer and we love. The poems in C. Peggy Atoche's collection speak of a direct experience of suffering and love. And they express the awe that is ours, by birthright, when we glimpse the transcendent. These poems, raw and simple, come from the seedbed of true humanity and compassion."
Reader's Favorite - 5 Stars As we travel through life’s challenges, we all need guidance and solutions on how to cope. People use various facets to work through conflicts; some methods can be destructive while others choose beneficial ways. For an optimal way to channel your life’s energy, get a copy of Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God's Heart and Mind by C. Peggy Atoche. The author hopes that through reading these poems you experience God’s peace, and love and see the positive while dealing with the obstacles that cross your path or as you view world events. Reading this book offers comfort and a resting place to sit and embrace the beautiful words of poetry with an understanding that despite the situation or circumstance we face, there is tranquility in God. Before each poem, the author offers an explanation that inspired the piece of work, which enhances the context for the reader. This book has several lovely pieces and a few of my favorites are A Father's Message of Love; Forgiving is Hard, Not Impossible; Finding God, and The Final Scene which inspires serenity and clarification in knowing that God has a plan. Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God's Heart and Mind by C. Peggy Atoche will help the reader find their way to the truth in a unique poetic way. Feelings, emotions, and world conditions can appear to be overwhelming at times yet the message is clear that God is sovereign and gives hope. Our spirituality is continually being challenged to stimulate growth and to teach us. This book offers the comfort of knowing that God sees all, knows all, and has everything under control despite how it appears. Isn’t that comforting? Using this book is an ideal source in helping you to choose healthy ways of dealing with your life, improve your perspective on how you see things, and focus more on the beauty of God for yourself and in how you interact with others. Reviewed by Vernita Naylor
Reader Views - 5 Stars "...equivalent of being a bear hug." The title of this collection of poems sums it up best. “Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind” is the literary equivalent of being a bear hug. The whole time I read this book, it reminded me of when my mother would hold me on her lap and tell me everything was alright. That is not to say that C. Peggy Atoche infantilizes the reader, but there is something deeply comforting and reassuring about these poems. The book’s title may give the impression that it only deals with the blissful feelings of love when someone is united with God, but Atoche is not afraid to present the real relationship that exists between God and the believer. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, Atoche has a poem that addresses the struggle at every level of spiritual life. She takes us from intense elation to the desolation of the dark night of the soul. She also makes the bold decision to incorporate poems that deal with tough topics like the Australian wildfires, war, racial cruelty, George Floyd, and demons. As a writer and a believer, this can be a fine line to trod, but Atoche does this deftly. She does not negate the horrors but also does not give in to despair. Through poems like True Love Isn’t Romantic, she shows that love is not exclusively happy feelings and only shines when put to the test. God does not abandon us, but he also does not shield us from every bad thing. For example, A Father’s Message of Love shows the duality of existence: freedom cannot exist without war, warmth without fire, and love without pain. Something unique about Atoche’s collection is the break between poems describing the inspiration and/or deeper meaning behind a poem through several paragraphs of prose. It is not something that I see regularly outside of poetic anthologies or historical compendiums. I didn’t know how to feel about it at first, but I appreciated how it allowed me to engage with the material in a way I wouldn’t have otherwise. Atoche allows for personal interpretation of her poems while showcasing her vision and message. It helped that Atoche’s prose is as engaging as her poetry- her descriptions were just as lyrical as her verses. I loved “Eternal Love” by C. Peggy Atoche and the message it conveyed of a God who meets us where we are. Whether it comes in a raw and hurtful place or from a joyful place of peace, God will be there and tell us that everything will be alright.
Literary Titan - 5 Stars "...An enriching read for those drawn to spiritual poetry" This anthology of poetry by C. Peggy Atoche, titled Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God's Heart and Mind, explores a rich tapestry of themes, including nature, love, faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. The collection offers a poignant reflection on the human condition through the lens of Christian faith, emphasizing the transformative power of prayer and God's unwavering love. Each poem serves not only as an artistic expression but also as a spiritual guide, encouraging readers to let God lead their lives amidst the turbulence of modern existence. The book resonates as a source of solace and hope, particularly in a world where anxiety and uncertainty often prevail. It prompts believers to seek refuge in their faith, with Jesus as a pillar of strength and clarity. A notable piece, "Aim higher, always, and never settle for the dark," resonates deeply, reflecting on personal challenges and spiritual aspirations. Another compelling poem, "Final Scene," delves into the contemplative topic of life after death, offering readers a window into diverse theological reflections. Enhancing the poetry are short stories that provide background on the origins of each poem and offer insights into Atoche's personal journey and spiritual convictions. These narratives enrich the reader's understanding and create a more intimate connection with the author, who shares her deep love for Jesus and her dedication to her faith with heartfelt openness. A Poetic Pathway to God's Heart and Mind is an enriching read for those drawn to spiritual poetry. It provides a peaceful reading experience that both soothes and inspires, making it a meaningful addition to any Christian literary collection.

My Story
I never thought I’d be a writer. Child psychology, stock trading, financial planning, and business management were some of the fields I felt drawn to and eventually followed. For a number of years, I started a few enterprises and managed my own businesses. I loved my work.
In 2012, I experienced a major change in my life. A 360-degree turn catapulted me into unknown territory and onto a spiritual path. Before this change took place, I was neither religious nor spiritual and had only a vague idea of who God was. I was not influenced by religion or anyone. The spiritual experiences I went through were personal, organic, and true.
Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind is my first published book and one I hold close to my heart due to the nature of the themes and the important calling God issued to me. With these poems, my hope is to give readers the chance to look at God through a different lens or enhance the love they already have for him.
When God knocks on our door, amazing things happen. When we listen and follow his lead, the changes he makes in our lives will always work for the best, and our future will always look brighter.
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